Universal mechanism of action of IMPs in form of STF with natural ingredients and absence of contraindications extend indications for their use in paediatric practice. This includes complex treatment of respiratory viral infections, possibility of using STF in frequently ill children with clinical signs of immune dysfunction, acute intestinal infections. Membrane pathology, contributing to high adhesion of pathogenic flora and beginning of infectious process, often proceeds against background of preceding instability of cytomembranes and enhancement of intracellular free radical processes. Along with immunomodulatory effect, antioxidant and membrane stabilizing effects of STF was noted. Data obtained in children with risk of urinary tract infections indicate significant disturbance in stability of cytomembranes and increase in adhesiveness of pathogenic microflora on them, in contrast to indicators of practically healthy children.
STF use in children at risk contributes to resistance of cytomembranes to adhesion and reduce frequency of infection of urinary system. These data open up new prospects for integrated use of STF and unsaturated fatty acids in free-radical processes and membrane pathology. For example, their combination can be successfully used in seasonal prevention of exacerbations and occurrence of urinary system infections in children. Exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis in unfavorable seasons of year in more than 78% of children took place against background of sensitization to endotoxins of gram-negative bacteria and immune system dysfunction along path to reducing activity of T and B lymphocytes phagocytic cells. It seems promising to use STF in children with viral hepatitis, in acute infections of gastrointestinal tract, and in intestinal dysbiosis. Reduction of free-radical oxidation of lipids and increase in stability of cytomembranes has protective effect on epithelial cover of mucous membranes, thereby increasing competitive adhesion of useful microflora on them, and enhancing local immunity.
Thus, STF can be used in combination with pro- and eubiotics, hepatoprotective, and antiviral drugs. Thereby, there are ample opportunities to use STF in paediatric practice for various pathological conditions and for prophylactic purposes. First results obtained in children with dysfunction of immune system, chronic pyelonephritis, gastroenterological pathology and atopic diseases confirm clinical efficacy of this dietary supplement and give hope for further research in this direction. Among contingent of children suffering from acute respiratory infections, significant proportion are children with recurrent bronchitis. Currently, immunomodulators of different classes are used in immunorehabilitation complex for this pathology.
STF is considered most appropriate for child’s body endogenous immunomodulators. Objective of study was to determine clinical efficacy of IMPs in form of transfer factor in complex of immunorehabilitation measures in children with recurrent bronchitis. Criteria for effectiveness of immunorehabilitation measures were frequency of disease recurrence and cases of acute respiratory infections, and state of immune resistance. It has been established that use of STF in complex of immunorehabilitation measures in children with recurrent bronchitis has positive effect on clinical course of disease, reduces incidence of cases of acute respiratory diseases. Therapeutic effect STF associated with immunomodulatory properties, in particular, with effect on cellular immunity (increase in number of CD 3+, CD 4+ cells, normalization of CD 19+ cells and immunoregulatory index), as well as effect on macrophages of mucous membrane of respiratory tract. Thus, results of conducted studies allows to recommend STF in complex of immunorehabilitation measures in children with recurrent bronchitis (Antipkin Yu.G., 2006).