Since the discovery of IMPs as DLE and TF there were NO reports of serious adverse reactions or side effects during and after the use of IMPs even when was administered in excess dosage for prolonged time.
Don’t cause hypersensitivity and none of the allergic reactions and contraindications. Comprehensive mechanism of IMP’s action with natural constituents and absence of contraindications allow to apply widely in pediatric practice. The oral forms of IMP’s are very easy and comfortable as well as safe to use for a short and long term by infants and elderlies.
According to published scientific articles IPM’s has tremendous history and were successfully used for a more than half century as preventive treatment and therapeutic agents in cases such as autoimmune and allergic disorders, infections: bacterial, viral, fungal, tumours and in immunodeficiency diseases. The immense advantage of IMP’s as immune stabilizers noted during the therapy approach of cancers in patients with autoimmune disorders and other cases of sensitivities to drugs. Another undoubtful benefit is opportunity to combine with other immune modulators and adaptogenic medications. The composite treatment with IMP’s lead to the induction and release of cytokines and antibodies.